
In Other Waters: Tidebreak

Created by Lone Archivist

Explore and study the oceanic world of Gliese 667Cc in a new module for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. NOTE: Shipping and related fees will be charged when the pre-order store closes.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Brief Update - Pre-Orders Extension
about 1 year ago – Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 10:58:59 PM

Super brief update. 

We just got the current shipping rates back from our logistics partner, Quartermaster. So we're going through the back-end and updating Backerkit and will have detailed instructions and dates on that shortly with the final shipping rates as well as a date for charging cards.

As that came in a little later than expected, we're going to be extending the date for locking down and closing surveys and pre-orders to:

    Tuesday, March 21st

So please make sure your orders are placed and information updated. There are still a handful of backers that have yet to finalize details for their Backerkit survey.  If you haven't already, please make sure you fill it out!

Please make sure you're doing this though Backerkit as that is the best way to ensure your rewards are sent to the correct location. Especially as that is the information our logistics partner will be referring to during fulfillment.

If you've lost your Backerkit survey or wish to Pre-Order, you can recover it using the same email you used for the Kickstarter >>>>>> here <<<<<<.

That's it for now and thank you all for your support!

State of the Break - February Update (Pre-Order Closing Soon!)
about 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 11:43:39 PM

Hello, Backers!

Quick update for you all as it's a shorter month and–while we're still waiting on some more information for  major updates–we wanted to keep to our monthly update routine.


We're still working on finalizing the shipping rates with our logistics partner. Until we have that information concrete and finalized, we will not be moving forward with charging cards yet. However, we'll likely have a dedicated update later this week with the final shipping rates as well as a date for charging cards (which will more than likely be about the middle of next month, March). 

With that said, we're planning on locking down Backerkit's Surveys and closing Pre-Orders within the next week or two so please make sure your orders are placed and information updated. There are still a handful of backers that have yet to finalize details for their Backerkit survey.  If you haven't already, please make sure you fill it out! 

A note on that, a few have messaged me asking to update your shipping information. Please make sure you're doing this though Backerkit as that is the best way to ensure your rewards are sent to the correct location. Especially as that is the information our logistics partner will be referring to during fulfillment.

If you've lost your Backerkit survey, you can recover it using the same email you used for the Kickstarter here (Pre-Orders too!).


We will be looking at closing Pre-Orders on Tuesday, March 14th. So if you haven't made the dive yet, now's your chance!


On that note, In the meantime, wanted to share a quick preview of what you'll be getting your hands on very soon! (Exactly how soon will be in the update later this week.)

This is an excerpt from one of three short Facility (or dungeon) crawls that your Crew can play through. And introducing a new NPC to the universe of In Other Waters! He looks friendly. Those familiar with the original videogame may recognize some helpful icons on the mini-maps. Wardens will be able to make use of these icons as a quick reference when running the game. 

Baikal Black Site (WIP - Artwork/Layout not final) - Redacted for Spoilers

That's it for now and thank you all for your support, patience, and sharing about Tidebreak (we see you Mothership Discord)!

PS. If I've missed any correspondence while catching up, please try again or let me know and I'll try my best to make sure your questions are addressed. Apologies if this applies to you!


Just a brief reminder, we're endeavoring to keep our “State of the Break” check-ins to a minimum of once-a-month. Due to the scope of this project and the small team behind it, we will do our best to answer all of your questions. However, if we are not able to promptly answer any direct messages, please review Updates and FAQs to see if your question has already been answered.

State of the Break - January Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 11:14:17 PM

Hello, Backers!

Back to our somewhat regularly scheduled programming.

I want to thank Gareth for taking over for me on the previous update. And I want to thank all of you for the well wishes. That was not overlooked and was much appreciated. I'm mostly back to my normal routines after getting sick but we have some housekeeping to address.

As Gareth mentioned, losing a month to illness has put us behind on schedule, so as promised, we put our heads together to update you all with a new timeline. TL;DR, we'll be extending fulfillment to March 2023.

Adjusted Timeline

I've tried to address most of the questions regarding Backerkit and general support questions. If I've missed you, forgive me! I'm still double checking and will be catching up over the coming days.


I've also seen some more specific questions regarding pricing for fulfillment. At this time I'm still waiting on more information from our fulfillment partner. As soon as I have that information, we'll have a dedicated update with all of the relevant fees and details as well as specific dates for when Surveys will close, when cards will be charged (including the rates), and specific dates for digital rewards (as well as the pre-print sneak peaks). 

On that note, we are still waiting for a few stragglers to finalize details for their Backerkit survey.  If you haven't already, please make sure you fill it out! If you've lost your Backerkit survey, you can recover it using the same email you used for the Kickstarter here (Pre-Orders too!).

I can't apologize enough for any inconvenience this delay may cause (can't plan for illness sometimes) but Gareth and I both hope the final product will feel worth the wait. And again, thank you for all of the well wishes. It's really appreciated. 

That's it for now and thank you all for your support!


Just a brief reminder, we're endeavoring to keep our “State of the Break” check-ins to a minimum of once-a-month. Due to the scope of this project and the small team behind it, we will do our best to answer all of your questions. However, if we are not able to promptly answer any direct messages, please review Updates and FAQs to see if your question has already been answered.

Thank you again for your patience!

State of the Break - December Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Dec 30, 2022 at 09:05:27 PM

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to this slightly unusual "State of the Break" in that it is written by me, Gareth Damian Martin, the creator of In Other Waters, not your usual project coordinator Lone Archivist. That's because Lone has unfortunately had a pretty rough case of COVID-19 during December, knocking them out of action. So I am here in their stead to let you all know what's up.

So, where are we at?

As you might imagine, losing a month to illness has put us behind on schedule, so as soon as Lone is well enough in the New Year we'll be putting our heads together to update you all with a new timeline for when we expect to distribute the module. Lone also tells me that they will also deal with the outstanding questions that have been sent through on specific shipping and surveys, but is waiting on some info from Backerkit and also our fulfilment partner.

The good news is that almost all of the core elements of the module are complete and playtested, so when we work out the new schedule in the New Year it will just be for the final layout passes, editorial, production and then fulfillment. So we are very close! For example I recently completed the map for the game in full with feedback and changes from our playtests, and I also finished the full set of paintings for the module, which I am very pleased with.

Overall I am incredibly pleased with the scale and detail of what we have been able to pull together over the year. After playtesting with a few friends back in November Lone and I were joking that we really stretched the definition of "module", with our creature tag and engagement system, for example, feeling like a mini TTRPG system all on its own! 

So, I'm hoping the final product will feel worth the wait, and as always I really appreciate the support you have all offered to allow us to go on this experimental journey. I'm really eager to get things into your hands in 2023, and I really appreciate your patience.

For now I'll wish you all a Happy New Year, and I hope you'll join me in wishing Lone a quick and safe recovery, and good health in the new year.

Best wishes


State of the Break - November Pledgemanager and Survey Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 04:46:42 AM

Hello, Backers!

Surveys are going out! Backerkit has a process called smoketesting where they'll send surveys out to a percentage of backers to test and make sure there aren't any issues with the forms, questions, and feedback. This is after the checks and balances that we already went through earlier this week (same ones that delayed the full roll out). So hopefully there shouldn't be any more issues with that.

Those are already out so if you have not received a survey by the time you see this update, please wait for the smoketest process to complete (shouldn't be longer than 24-48 hours) for your Survey email from Backerkit.

Regarding Charging Credit Cards

This is copied from the previous update, but to make sure that the information is clear. If you're a Kickstarter veteran you've probably seen this before but if not, keep reading!

For Digital Tiers (Swimmer/Diver) we'll be looking to collect basic information and give you the opportunity to purchase add-ons or upgrade tiers if you wish. 

Physical Tier surveys will be collecting shipping information as well as credit card information. As highlighted below, this will be charged later. We will do another update once we charge cards and will endeavor to provide as much warning as possible before that is completed. 

Physical Tier Checkout Screenshot

Before I call it for this update... want to see some new art? Check it out!

Revised Central Reef Biome Spread (WIP - Artwork not final)
New Dusk Slopes Biome Spread (WIP - Artwork/Layout not final)
Gareth's setup for the interior art. Pictured, working on The Bloom.

That's it for now! Unless we run into any issues with the surveys or have some more updates to share in the way of timelines and production (e.g. showing off more art and spreads), this will likely be our update for the Month.

Where to find the Tidebreak Dev Crew?

While we're always going to be keep you apprised of progress for Tidebreak here on Kickstarter, I wanted to give you a quick update as to where else you can find us online. With some of the tumultuous aura surrounding social media at the moment, here is a list of places you can find me, Lone Archivist, outside of Kickstarter.

And Gareth just started a newsletter! Check that out here.  I'm sure they'll have a bunch of cool behind the scenes work from their videogames to read through as well as links to all of their social media as well.


Just a brief reminder, we're endeavoring to keep our “State of the Break” check-ins to a minimum of once-a-month. Due to the scope of this project and the small team behind it, we will do our best to answer all of your questions. However, if we are not able to promptly answer any direct messages, please review Updates and FAQs to see if your question has already been answered.

Thank you again for your patience!